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Can't find the answers you need?


Start a conversation

There are three ways to start a conversation. Each may be convenient for you at different times.

  • login to medCrowd
  • use the add conversation button at the top-right of any page,
  • from your logged-in homepage, find the conversations bar on the left and click on its add icon
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • to start a conversation and share it with a team, navigate to the team's page by clicking the team's name under My teams on your logged-in homepage
  • click Start a conversation


  • enter the new conversation's title and description. The description will often take the form of a question you'd like participants to answer.
  • click Start to start the conversation and invite any specified invitees

NB: You can tag SNOMED concepts in your conversation description.



Invite Participants to a conversation

Until you invite participants, no one can see your conversation. To invite participants:

  • navigate to your conversation
  • if available, click on the contacts icon
  • click on the settings icon
  • click conversation Invites in the drop down menu
  • click the box in the conversation Invites popup, to reveal a list of teams and contacts you may invite
  • start typing the email address of the person you wish to invite
  • click 'Save'


Remove Participants from a conversation

To remove participants from a conversation:

  • navigate to your conversation
  • click on the settings icon
  • click conversation Invites in the drop down menu
  • click on the small x to the right of the team or individual you want to remove from the conversation
  • click 'Save'


See Who Else is Invited to a conversation

You can see who else is invited to a conversation at the top of the conversation.

  • navigate to your conversation
  • underneath its name, date and description, conversation members, and invited teams, will be listed


See Who Else is in a conversation Right Now

You can see who is online and viewing a conversation you are viewing.

  • navigate to your conversation
  • find the box that reads, 'Type your response here'
  • just above this field, you will see e.g. 'You are the only person live now in this conversation' or 'You and name are live now in this conversation'


Edit a conversation

You can edit any conversation you started.

  • navigate to your conversation
  • click on the settings icon
  • select the conversation Settings link from the dropdown menu to change the title, description or optional ID of your conversation
  • click 'Save'


Respond to a conversation

You can respond to any conversation that you're invited to.

  • navigate to the conversation
  • find the box that reads, 'Type your response here'
  • enter any text you wish to
  • click the Submit button to the right of the box you typed your response in - or hit TAB and then ENTER on your keyboard - to save your response
NB: You cannot edit a response, but you can withdraw it.


Respond to a Response

You can respond to a specific response in a conversation that you're invited to.

  • navigate to the conversation
  • hover your mouse over, or click on, the response you want to respond to
  • click the respond icon
  • find the box that reads, 'Type your response here'
  • enter any text you wish to
  • click the Submit button to the right of the box you typed your response in - or hit TAB and then ENTER on your keyboard - to save your response
NB: a popup window will show you the response you are responding to.


Withdraw a Response

You can withdraw a response you made in a conversation that you're invited to – or any response made in a conversation you own.

  • navigate to the conversation
  • hover your mouse over, or click on, the response you want to withdraw
  • click the withdraw icon
  • click "Yes – withdraw" to confirm
NB: you will need to give a reason for withdrawing the response, if you are an administrator removing a response given by another user.


See More Details About a Response

You can see the date and time a response was given in a conversation that you're invited to, and how many conversation members have seen it.

  • navigate to the conversation
  • hover your mouse over, or click on, the response you want to see more details about
  • click the more details icon


React to a Response

You can react to a response in a conversation that you're invited to.

  • navigate to the conversation
  • hover your mouse over, or click on, the response you want to react to
  • click the reaction icon
  • click on the reaction you want to leave
NB: you can remove your reaction by selecting it again. You can change your reaction by clicking on a new one.


See Reactions to a Response

You can see reactions other conversation members have left to responses in a conversation that you're invited to.

  • navigate to the conversation
  • find the reaction count on the response you want to see more reactions information for
  • click the link that says e.g. 5 reactions
  • a popup will appear to show you which reactions have been made, and who made them
NB: any response that has reactions will show a reaction count. If no reaction count is shown, no reactions have been given to this response.


Tag SNOMED Concepts in a conversation

You can tag SNOMED concepts in conversation descriptions (owners) or responses (any participant).

  • navigate to (or start) a conversation
  • if you start a conversation you can tag SNOMED concepts in its description:
    • click on the settings icon for an existing conversation,
      or click on the description box of a new conversation
    • ensure the SNOMED reference set you want to use is selected from the dropdown list immediately below the box
    • enter any text you wish to in the conversation description field, tagging the SNOMED concept you wish to use by adding an # symbol followed by part or all of the SNOMED keyword, e.g.
    • a drop-down list containing SNOMED concepts relating to what you typed will appear
    • choose the correct match from the dropdown list of concepts that appears
      NB: this dropdown list can be scrolled
    • hit ENTER on your keyboard to save your response

  • or,
    any participant in the conversation can tag SNOMED concepts in a conversation response:
    • find the box that reads, 'Type your response here'
    • ensure the SNOMED reference set you want to use is selected from the dropdown list immediately below the box
    • enter any text you wish to in the response field, tagging the SNOMED concept you wish to use by adding an # symbol followed by part or all of the SNOMED keyword, e.g.
    • a drop-down list containing SNOMED concepts relating to what you typed will appear
    • choose the correct match for your response from the dropdown list of concepts that appears
      NB: this dropdown list can be scrolled
    • click the Submit button to the right of the box you typed your response in - or hit TAB and then ENTER on your keyboard - to save your response
NB: click on a SNOMED concept in a response to see more information and related SNOMED data.


Mention Other Users in a Response

Mention users you're connected to in your response

  • navigate to your conversation
  • find the box that reads, 'Type your response here'
  • enter any text you wish to, along with an @ symbol followed by your contact's name e.g.
    @jane smith
  • click the Submit button to the right of the box you typed your response in - or hit TAB and then ENTER on your keyboard - to save your response
  • your contact will receive a notification letting them know they've been tagged


Use Font Styles in conversation responses

You can use font styling in your conversation responses.

  • navigate to your conversation
  • find the box that reads, 'Type your response here'
  • enter any text you wish to, using the following symbols to enhance your text:
    • surround words with a _ to make words italic e.g.
    • surround words with a * to make them bold e.g.
    • surround words with a ` to use a monospaced font e.g.
    • press ENTER for a new line
  • click the Submit button to the right of the box you typed your response in - or hit TAB and then ENTER on your keyboard - to save your response
NB: You cannot edit a response, but you can withdraw it.


Add Attachments to conversation responses

You can add attachments to your responses. Your attachment will be clickable in your response. Clicking it will reveal a thumbnail and give the opportunity to View or Download the file.

  • navigate to your conversation
  • find the box that reads, 'Type your response here'
  • click the add icon to the left of the response field
  • click 'Upload file' and select the file you wish to attach from your computer
  • if you want to, you can add edit the filename that will appear to other users, and add any response text you wish to accompany this file
  • click UPLOAD to save your response and attachment
NB: You cannot edit a response, but you can withdraw it.


View or Download a PDF or Excel Spreadsheet of your conversation

If you started a conversation, you can view or download it in PDF or Excel format.

  • navigate to your conversation
  • click on the more actions icon
  • click either on the PDF or the Excel link
  • the PDF will open in a PDF viewer. Download and save this in the location you desire
  • the Excel file will automatically downloaded into the default "downloads" location on your device


Video Conference in a conversation

If a conversation is enabled for video conferencing, you can chat with other conversation members in real time from your browser.

  • navigate to your conversation
  • click on the more actions icon
  • select the Join video conference link from the dropdown menu
  • click the Connect button to begin your video conference

Video conferencing requires recent versions of your operating system and recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari 11 or Edge 79 or greater:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari
Android - -
iOS - - -
Linux - -
Windows -
Video conferencing must be enabled by a conversation's creator. The option to enable video conferencing in a conversation is a premium service available to subscription users.


Answer Polls in a conversation

Some conversations have Polls. Answering a poll may be mandatory in order to participate in the conversation.

To answer a Poll:

  • navigate to your conversation
  • the poll or polls linked to this conversation are listed below the conversation's description
  • expand a poll by clicking its name or its expand icon
  • answer any questions, then click the Submit button

Polls are labelled to help you understand their status:


You must answer this poll to participate in this conversation.


You may participate in this poll. This poll is open.


You have participated in this poll and this poll is still open. The poll was configured to reveal results to participants. Click its name or its expand icon to see the answers given so far.

Final results

You have participated in this poll and the poll was configured to reveal results to participants. This poll is now closed. Click its name or its expand icon to see all answers given.

The option to add a poll to a conversation is only available to subscription users.


View a conversation's Stats

Any member of a conversation can find out the engagement data of a conversation, including:

  • the number of current participants
  • the time to the first response from a participant
  • the number of participants who responded
  • the number of responses from participants
  • the % of participants who have responded
  • …and a list of who has seen the conversation

To see all of this information,

  • navigate to your conversation
  • click on the more actions icon
  • select the conversation stats link from the dropdown menu


Add Files to a conversation

Conversation owners can add files that relate to their conversations. These files will appear at the top of the conversation, under the description. To add files:

  • navigate to your conversation
  • click on the more actions icon
  • select the Add files link from the dropdown menu
  • click Include Files and select the file(s) you wish to attach from your computer
  • drag the file(s) you want to upload into the file attachment area (surrounded by a grey dotted line)
  • click UPLOAD to save your response and attachment


Transfer Ownership of a conversation

You can transfer ownership of a conversation to your Contacts

  • navigate to your conversation
  • click on the settings icon
  • click Transfer conversation under Advanced Settings
  • select the user you'd like to give the conversation to from the drop down list
  • click Transfer conversation to confirm your choice


Close a conversation

Your conversation can either be Closed (e.g. visible only to you, in a 'read-only' way)
Closed While Allowing Invitees to Retain Access (e.g. no further responses or interactions can be made, but anyone who has access to the conversation will be able to see it in a 'read-only' way).

  • navigate to your conversation
  • click on the settings icon
  • click Close conversation (under Advanced Settings)
  • click Close conversation and select your preferred style of closure from the drop down menu
NB: You may re-open a closed conversation of either style at any time


Re-open a conversation

A closed conversation can be re-opened at any time. Anyone invited to the conversation will be able to interact with it as they could before it was closed.

  • navigate to your conversation
  • click on the settings icon
  • click Re-open conversation (under Advanced Options)
  • click Re-open conversation to confirm the action


Responding to a Screener or Contract (Invitees / Applicants)

Some conversations have screeners or contracts, which ensure conversation participants meet the conversation owners' needs and help invitees / applicants understand the expectations of them, and what they should expect in turn, during their participation in the conversation.

When you submit a screener or contract, it will be presented to the conversation owner, who will then approve or decline your participation in the conversation.

If a screener or a contract appears when you are trying to access a conversation:

  • fill in any screener forms carefully and accurately, and click the Save button to submit
    and / or
  • be sure to read any contract text carefully before clicking the I Agree and wish to proceed button
  • check your email or mobile for a notification from medCrowd - once the conversation owner approves or declines, you will receive an alert

Nb: screeners or contracts may be applied to multiple conversations. When you complete a screener or contract, this applies to all conversations that use that screener or contract. If a screener or contract is changed, you will be asked to sign it again.


Start a team

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left and click the add icon
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • give your team a name that will be meaningful to any members you invite, then click Next
  • select who can start a conversation within this team, then click Next
  • select who can apply to join the team, then click Next
    recommended settings are set as default
  • select who can view the team page, then click Next
    recommended settings are set as default
  • click Create
  • your team will now be able to be viewed under the "My teams" section on the homepage. You can click on the team's name to access it.


Invite Members to a team

There are two ways in which you can invite participants to join a team. For both ways, the participant must join medCrowd.

For teams configured to allow people to apply to join:

  • Send the link to the team's page to the participant, where they will be able to select "apply to join" this team.
  • You will receive a notification from medCrowd stating a participant has requested to join - use the link in this notification to Approve or Decline the application
  • Once the applicant has been approved, they will become a team member and have access to the team page and any conversations shared with the team


  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • click the name of the team you want to invite someone to
  • click Members to reveal a drop down of all the members of the team, plus invitees
  • enter the email address or mobile number of the person you want to invite
    if the invitee is already a medCrowd user, use whichever they are registered with: their email address or mobile number
  • click Invite
    Think the person you invited forgot the invitation?
    You can send a reminder from the team page
  • once the invitee accepts the invitation to your team, they will become a team member and have access to the team page and any conversations shared with the team


Make a team Member an Administrator

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • click the name of the team you want to add an Admin to
  • find the person you want to grant Admin privileges to in the Members List
  • tick the check-box in the Administrator column of their row


Remove a team Member

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • click the name of the team you want to remove a member from
  • find the person you want to remove in the Members List
  • click the red Remove button in their row


Remove Administrator Privileges from a team Member (or Yourself)

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • click the name of the team you want to remove an Administrator from
  • find the person you want to remove Admin privileges from in the Members List
  • untick the box in the Administrator column of their row
NB: teams must have at least one Administrator. You will be unable to resign as an administrator for a team that you are the only administrator of. Please nominate another member to be an administrator, so that you may resign – or, you can Delete the team.


Leave a team

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • click the red Leave this team button at the top of the page
  • if you are an administrator, expand the Members list, and find the Leave this team button in the row next to your name
  • click Yes – leave to confirm your choice
NB: teams must have at least one Administrator. You will be unable to leave a team that you are the only administrator of. Please nominate another member to be an administrator, so that you may leave – or, you can Delete the team.


Change the Name or Description of a team

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • click the name of the team you want to edit
  • click on the settings icon
    towards the top right of the screen
  • click team Settings from the drop down menu
  • make any changes to the title or description, then click Save


Delete a team

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • click the name of the team you want to delete
  • click on the settings icon
    towards the top right of the screen
  • click Delete team
  • confirm your choice by clicking Yes - Delete
NB: You cannot restore a deleted team.

See all conversations Relating to a team

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • click the name of the team you want to see conversations for
  • select the conversations drop down menu to expand it; any conversations shared with this team will be displayed here


See all Members of a team

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • click the name of the team you want to see the membership of
  • select the Members drop down menu to expand it, if it is not already expanded; any members of this team will be displayed here
  • if you are an admin, you will be able to invite new members, remove members or promote members to admin from this screen


Add a Banner and Icon to a team

You can add a Banner and an Icon to your team. These will be displayed at the top of your team page, and – if the team can be seen in any searches or lists – the icon will be displayed next to your team name there, too.

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • click the name of the team you want to add a banner or icon to
  • click the settings icon
  • select Icon & Banner from the dropdown menu
  • from your team page, click on the default banner or icon
  • click the Choose file button for whichever element you'd like to add
    Top Tip: upload your company logo for an icon, or an image related to the topic under discussion for a banner
  • you will see the image in a preview
  • if you are happy with this image, click Submit
  • you can delete any previous banners / icons and return to defaults by selecting Delete from this popup
NB: your team icon must be 100 x 100 px, and under 1 Mb. Your team banner must be 1500 x 350 px, and under 1 Mb


Add Files to a team

You can add a Banner and an Icon to your team. These will be displayed at the top of your team page, and – if the team can be seen in any searches or lists – the icon will be displayed next to your team name there, too.

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • click the name of the team you want to add files to
  • click on the more actions icon
  • click the Add files link from the dropdown menu
  • click Include Files and select the file(s) you wish to attach from your computer
  • drag the file(s) you want to upload into the file attachment area (surrounded by a grey dotted line)
  • click UPLOAD to save your response and attachment


Edit team Access

You can decide who can start a conversation with your team, who can apply to join your team, who can view your team's page (for example if they see your team listed as being invited to a conversation) and whether your team should be listed on the All teams page.

You will be asked to set these preferences when you create a team. You can also update these settings later on:

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the My teams bar on the left
    click the medCrowd logo on any page to get to your homepage
  • click the name of the team you want to set the access options for
  • click on the settings icon
  • click the Access link from the dropdown menu
  • choose the access settings that suit your team's needs
  • click Save to confirm your choices


Find teams to Join Or Share conversations With – Or Let Your team Be Found

The All teams page is a list of teams that to allow users to find them – either so that users may apply to join, or so that non-members may share a conversation with the team.

To enable your team to be found on the All teams page:

To find teams you can apply to join or share conversations with:

  • from your logged-in homepage, find the All teams button on the left and click it

Profile & Settings

Change Your Password

  • Logged in?
    Click the arrow next to your name in the header navigation
  • Click Settings
  • Choose 'Password'
  • Fill in the form and click Save; or

  • Logged out?
    Click Login and then follow the 'Forgot your password?' link
  • use the form to send a Password Reset email to the email account you are registered to medCrowd with
  • click the Reset Password link in the email,
  • Fill in the form and click Reset my password now

Profile & Settings

Change or Add Email Addresses

You can have one or more email addresses associated with your medCrowd account.

  • login to medCrowd
  • click the arrow next to your name in the header navigation
  • click Settings
  • choose 'Email Addresses'
  • edit your email address settings for current email addresses; or
  • delete an email address by clicking Delete; or
  • use the form to add new email addresses

New email addresses will need to be verified. Check your email account for a mail from medCrowd and click Verify Now.

Profile & Settings

Change Your Profile

The information in your profile will be displayed to any medCrowd members who click your name e.g. when you've left a respond to a conversation.

  • login to medCrowd
  • click the arrow next to your name in the header navigation
  • click Profile
  • use the form to edit your info as desired
  • click Save

Profile & Settings

Delete Your Account

We're sorry you are considering deleting your account. If you're certain you want to delete:

  • login to medCrowd
  • click the arrow next to your name in the header navigation
  • click Settings
  • choose 'Delete Account'
  • read the advice on what account deletion entails
  • if you wish to proceed, click 'I understand - please delete my account' to confirm

Users & Connections

See Who a User Is

User Profiles let you know who another user is.

  • User profiles
    Click on a user's name or photo anywhere in the site to see a profile showing their name, country, primary speciality and experience level.

Users & Connections

Connect with Another User

Connections make it easier to start conversations with others.

  • Connecting:
    click the user's picture or name, and then - in the mini-bio or profile page,
  • click the Connect button
  • when the other user accepts your connection request, you will be connected
  • Seeing your connections:
    login to medCrowd
  • click the arrow next to your name in the header navigation
  • click Connections

Users & Connections

Disconnect from Another User

  • login to medCrowd
  • click the arrow next to your name in the header navigation
  • click Connections
  • click Disconnect for any user you no longer wish to be Connected to
NB: Disconnection is instant.


Set Your Notifications Preferences

You can manage your notification settings to ensure you get as many or as few notifications as you need.

  • login to medCrowd
  • click the arrow next to your name in the header navigation
  • click Settings
  • click Notifications (in the left menu)
  • choose the preferences that suit you
    Email notifications can be sent Immediately (as things happen), Daily (in a digest format).
    Text notifications are sent as things happen.
  • when you are finished, click Apply Notification Settings
      select Apply in future to apply these changes ONLY to any conversation or team created in future
      select Apply in future and to all existing conversations & teams to both apply these settings in future, and override any previously configured conversation or team to use these new settings

NB: the main Email and Text notification settings are saved automatically when changed.



Set Up team-Specific or conversation-Specific Notifications

You can configure any team or conversation to send you as many or as few notifications as you need.

  • login to medCrowd
  • click the name of the team or conversation you'd like to configure notifications for
  • click on the settings icon
  • click My Notifications to open the notifications panel (nb: in some cases this will open automatically)
  • choose the preferences that suit you and click Apply Notification Settings


Set Your Notifications Email

  • login to medCrowd
  • click the arrow next to your name in the header navigation
  • click Settings
  • choose 'Email Addresses'
  • find the email address you want notifications delivered to and click Make Primary in its row; or
    use the form to add new email addresses

New email addresses will need to be verified. Check your email account for a mail from medCrowd and click Verify Now.


Set Your Notifications Mobile Number

  • login to medCrowd
  • click the arrow next to your name in the header navigation
  • click Settings
  • choose 'Mobile Numbers'
  • add all mobile numbers that others are likely to use to communicate with you to ensure you can participate

New mobile numbers will need to be verified. Check your phone for a text from medCrowd and enter the verification code on this page.

See and Act On Pending Applications

  • login to medCrowd
  • click the Pending Applications button on the left
NB: a count of pending applications is shown in this button.

Supported Browsers

medCrowd is built for the latest device and desktop browsers - with JavaScript enabled. For best results, use one of the browsers listed below and update your browser to its latest version.

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Android v5.0+
  • Safari
  • Edge
  • Chrome 12+
  • Firefox 16+
  • Opera 15+
  • Safari 6+
  • Edge
  • Internet Explorer 10+

medCrowd may work in other or older browsers, but you could see limited functionality and impaired styling.

If you are using one of the above browsers with JavaScript enabled and medCrowd fails to work, you have found a bug. Please report bugs to



Apply To request to join a team or conversation. Applications are approved or declined by team admins or conversation owners.
Conversation A discussion hosted on medCrowd about a topic or question. A team, or specific individuals can be invited to participate in the conversation.
Close / Re-open a conversation

A conversation's owner can mark it "Closed" (only visible to the owner), or "Closed and allow invitees to retain access" (read-only - participants may see the conversation but no longer interact with it).

A Closed conversation may be Re-opened by the owner, restoring access for all invitees.

Conversation Owner The person or people who can edit a conversation's settings and send invites. Typically this is the person who started the conversation.
Conversation Stats A place to see conversation engagement metrics.
Draft (Conversation) A conversation that has not yet had anyone invited to it.

People who have been invited to join a conversation, but who have not yet accepted the invitation. Conversation owners can see a list of Invitees on the conversation's page.

Invitees who accept an invitation become conversation participants.

Linked conversation or team A conversation or team that has been associated with a subscription.
Mark all read (notifications) You can mark notifications as read to clear them from your notification drop down in the header menu.
medCrowd The instant messenger for health and care. medCrowd is always spelled with a small m and a big C.
Members Individuals who have joined a team. team members are listed on the team's page.
Notification A text, email or browser alert to let you know something has happened in medCrowd!
Participants Individuals who have joined a conversation. Participants are listed on the conversation's page.
Responses Messages added to a conversation by participants.
See all Notifications A place to see all your notifications, including the ones marked as read. Accessed from the Notifications dropdown.
Subscriber A subscription owner, admin or member.
Subscription A paid-for medCrowd account, which enables select premium features.
Team A team is similar to an instant messenger 'group'. You can start a conversation with a team to conveniently invite an entire list of participants in one action.
Team Admin

A team member who has administrative privileges to edit team settings and invite or remove team members, or to promote other team members to Admin.

Typically the team admin is the person who created the team. NB: a team must have at least one admin.

Team Page A page where team members can access a team's member list, see an index of conversations and files shared with the team and - if they are an admin - edit the team's settings and member list.
Transfer Conversation Switch a conversation's ownership from one participant to another.
Unread (Conversation) A conversation that has not been viewed by any participants.
Withdraw To remove a response from a conversation.